Why It’s Important

If there is any comfort to be found in this worldwide pandemic, it is knowing that we’re all working together to ensure that we’re all following the proper protocols for protecting ourselves, our families, our co-workers and our neighbors from COVID-19.

The COVID-19 Pandemic is a rapidly evolving situation. For updated guidelines and recommendations, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) website.

According to the CDC, one of the most protective methods for preventing the spread of the virus is to require employees to self-screen for a variety of symptoms. And that’s where PRIMEtally makes things safe and easy for your company.

PRIMEtally puts the “power of prevention” in your hands. This fast, easy-to-use, automated web app is the perfect solution to further safeguard your business, employees and guests. PRIMEtally quickly automates data collection and provides powerful reporting tools in the event you need to demonstrate a good-faith effort to follow State requirements and provide a healthy and safe work environment for all.

Ultimately, the manner in which you screen your employees and how you secure the information collected is up to you as the employer. But make no mistake, manual processes are extremely disruptive, lack security, expensive to implement, and difficult to maintain.

Any business that is not automating a secure method to screen employees/visitors and retain records are putting themselves and their company at significant risk. Right now many states are encouraging citizens to report businesses that are in violation of State requirements. So we strongly encourage you to locate the COVID-19 requirements for your State and make certain you’re in compliance ASAP.

PRIMEtally is here to help… because we’re all in this together.

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